





Hope for the Future


As for the new water tower, it will be slightly different from the original.  The original water tower was fully functional and contributed to the museum’s supply of water.  But this supply of water is what ultimately posed a threat to the museum after it was damaged by cold weather. To prevent this from ever happening again the new water tower will be purely ornamental.  


“The original water tower held 20,000 gallons of water that supplied the Museum’s fire suppression system,” Deerr said. “That will not be the case with the new fiberglass water tower since it will be non-functioning. The purpose of the replica is to restore the landmark for the community.”


The water tower will soon be in the process of being constructed as they have officially reached their goal. Though Deerr is unable to say exactly when it will be erected, this financial milestone can assure Andersonville residents that it will be sooner rather than later.  So keep your eye out, Chicagoans, for that iconic Swedish flag.